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What is the one thing that leaders will need to be successful in a disruptive market?

Leaders who have redefined industries, and made markets beat to the sound of their own drum, all have a common trait.
Successful people are 100% confident that, whatever the challenge, they will be able to figure it out- and at the same time, they are 100% willing to forgo everything they think they know and admit to knowing nothing. (INC magazine)
 They are not scared to fail – in fact they embrace it – because “failing ” to them is part of the learning process. If they are certain of a result they are not pushing boundaries and by definition – are not growing.
They want to know everything about their craft and the industry they’re in, and they realise that it is continually changing and there needs to be continual learning and adapting. 
They know that every disruptive idea comes from the space of what they don’t know that they don’t know.
They realise that creating new markets—new products for new customers—is what’s disruptive and therein lies growth.
They quickly Identify what part of their business model is dying (or dead) and have the hard discussions about the implications for their business.
They have the ability to inspire their team to continue with them on the journey even though the future may be uncertain! 
They realise that a state of vulnerability is a positive as it allows them to constantly reinvent themselves, their companies and  the industries they play in! 
As my mentor Allen Pathmarajah says
You can only grow if your cup is empty. If your cup is full – there is no place to grow! 
There needs to be slack in people’s days giving them time to think, innovate, fail and grow!
Who do you know that you believe is successful?
Do you believe that that person regards himself as a success? 
Posted on April 16, 2016

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